Thursday, October 17, 2024

give us a chance. you're doing good.

You have taught Islamic Studies before and have all the planning and knowledge, of course, by Allah's will. 

But you have never taught a classroom with 21 children age 8-9 years old. Your previous experience was just like 8-10 of them maximum in a class.

You also have never taught 30 teenagers in a class with all kind of family background. From the most religious to the one who probably does not believe in Islam despite born in a Muslim family.

You have never handled 15 students of Year 9 before with half of them are boys. 

There's so much, Jehaada. 

So many new things, but you are actually doing it great. One thing about you that Allah has blessed with, alhamdulillah, is the conscience and continuous desire to strive. 

I personally think you're working on the management really well. I love all the measures you have taken to improve class management and student engagement. 

However, one thing you really need to work on is adding your knowledge. To handle these complicated audience, you can't just be comfortable with the same level of knowledge you have been using for teaching since two years back. Your audience has grown now, and you have to carry more diverse discussion. With this responsibility, you have to continuously find more knowledge. Watch more videos, listen to more podcasts. Read more books. Even though the Aqidah Unit is ending soon, but Aqidah is in everything, it's in The Quran and Hadith, in Fiqh, Akhlaq, and Seerah. They're all interconnected. So keep going. It's a learning process for the kids and most importantly yourself. 

Give us a chance to grow. We are good inshaAllah. 
Take a deep breath. Bismillah. 



 In the end, it's all about Him and this religion. It's not about us.
May Allah bestowed His guidance on my dearest students, aamin Ya Rabb.


Hidup ini adalah keyakinan dan PERJUANGAN.. dan PERJUANGAN mukmin yg sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali kedua tapak kakinya, TELAH MENGINJAK KE PINTU SYURGA...

-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-