Assalamualaikum, eyh sorry i'm not writing this post in arabic, jangan tertipu, hehe.
Okay, this week was a great battle of Formative 1.
Oh dear, how i wish my Addmaths and History can be repeated.
But of course Alhamdulillah i can answer everything including the ridiculous ones :P
Everything went smooth, hinggalah hari Rabu..
On Wednesday, I was going to sit for Addmaths and Sejarah mainly, besides Chemistry.
But that morning was a spoil, a disappointment. Smpai dh keluar ayat aku benci pengawas
ah mncik doe cmni, ad kp sjew crik psl sjew wt kcow, nympah nyew aq [anwar hadi lagi]
It's life. We human are just too wierd, some are shameless.
At first i thought of constructing back my Kelab Anti Pengawas which has been buried for a long time ago. But yesterday when I watched the drama Ustaz Amirul, i caught a phrase from Tok Shafie before he died the next day.
"Walking in the steps of anger will never bring you peace,"
Em, well, that old man is kind of leaving his advice to me before he vanished from the list of the presently playing characters. Alright Tok, your words stabbed me.
See? Who said watching dramas don't bring us any benefits?
Kalau tak pandai menyelam, jangan kata lautan itu kosong tanpa mutiara.
Kalau kita pndai cari, tak de kita gedik kata tak jumpa mutiara kt mana.
Next, homework. Eh silap, Pakej Percutian. Banyak, ada BM BI CHEM PHY BIO ADDMATH.
Yang menariknya, semua pakej percutian ini adalah percuma! Lagi satu, kita tak perlu buat pilihan, memang wajib ambil semua pakej ni! Bagus, betul betul bagus.
Haish mcm mana buat ni, pedih nya tangan. Ekzema dh berair, membengkak, berdarah.
Is it just my feeling or these poor fingers do really turned worst since i use that medicine?
My right hand's fingers are officially bigger than the left ones :'(
Oh poor fingers, i really hope you will get well soon.. So that i dont hve to feed myself using spoon anymore, i dont hve to wash the dishes wearing plastic gloves anymore. How i miss that moments living without spoon and gloves. Tak pe la, sakit itu kifarah inshaAllah..
Cikgu, don't you feel like giving me exemption? If u did, i appreciate that more than anything else T.T
So I bet this holiday will be a busy one, homework, projects, plans, responsibilities.
Em, Anis Farhah told me that i left my pencil case at the school canteen AGAIN? Adoi apa nk jadi la, nway thanks Ayuni Mahirah for saving it for me.
My dear sister is coming back this Thursday, suka suka suka.
Insurans motor yang hilang tu dh boleh claim, baru dpt surat posmen hntar td. Alhamdulillah.
Before ends, I adore this too much.. Ana jumpa kt blog seorang ukhti yg ana follow.
Subahanallah.. Video ni dh lama, dai'e ni pun dah besar sekarang. Marilah kita mencontohi dia..
Jelas terpancar nur solehah di wajahnya..