Saturday.. I went to the score A programme at USIM, Nilai.
but dis one is acct for the schools located around Nilai.
forgot to tell, i invited Aieshah to join me and she just confirmed it a night before the programme.
i arrived at USIM a bit late. 8.30something. Aieshah, of course she has arrived earlier.
i can't see where she was sitting, so i sat beside a girl, a student of Maahad Ahmadi, NS.
the teacher has already started her lecture. yeah, it's SCEINCE subject.
i wish i get something new for this 2 hours, and alhamdulillah, i did.
i think i can answer my paper2 better than before, insyaAllah.
i talk to the girl. her name is Nadiah. well, we chat bout our school, of coure. honestly, i never heard of Maahad Ahmadi before. but she said, she have heard bout Maahad Hamidiah.
i bet maahad ahmadi is better than our school, maybe. they got Thanawi and there's STAM.
at 10.30, we went to recess. fried noodles as breakfast. at 11, the programme proceeded on.
i sat beside Aieshah after i took Nadiah's phone number. wish we'll keep in touch later.
there's a motivational slot by Dr.___. [i dun memories his name]
i like his presentation way because he is such a humble motivator, and he did not push.
"PMR ada 2 bulan lagi. awak jangan risau. Kalau ada di antara kita yang baru 50% persediaannya, jangan risau. Masa masih ada. Cuma kayuhan awak mungkin kena laju sikit, itu je. Jangan gelabah, rileks la. Kalau org yg bijak, dia akan fikir 'oh, PMR dua bulan lagi, apa susah, blaja je la. Tapi rileks2 awk tu, blaja la. jgn rileks tidur pulak,"
"Sikap negatif ini lah yg selalu menghalang kita daripada berjaya. Jadi awak kena buang sikap tu dari dalam diri awk. Saya tak paksa awak. Kalau awak nak teruskan sikap negatif tu, terpulanglah. Tapi awak tanggung sendirilah apa yg akan berlaku pada diri awak, kalau awk terus mcm ni,"
ohoh.. perli bhai.. But seriously I like the words "saya tak paksa awak,"
this motivator did not ask us to follow, but to think.
the pessimists complain about the wind,
the optimists expect it to change,
the leaders adjust the sails.
the optimists expect it to change,
the leaders adjust the sails.
after the motivational slot, the majlis perasmian took place before we were allowed to go lunch and pray before went back to the hall for the next slot. there was one of the abang fasi, he looks like my class monitor. haha.
2.30, the English lesson slot. The teacher looks like Eman Manan. ehee.
about 4.30, the last subject was Maths. This teacher is 48 years old. but he looks older than my father.
and he looks like Dato' Rahim Razali. haha. his way of speaking is also like that actor.
the programme finished nearly to 7pm.
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