last sunday i thought it was a fading shadow,
we walked, we stopped, we prayed, we laughed, we ate, we went back.
10.30am.. ety, sya iz! oh sya iz bwk adik.
rindu korang. alamak, perasan ke ak pkai tudung terbalik? haha, stail wei, stail.
beli topup jap kt 7E, haha pstu syaima br sedar kewujudan adik syaiz.
so jalan dan jalan till sesat hilang arah. tny makcik cleaner.
dh smpai mines, oh so this is the mines :)
jalan2.. kul 11.50 tgk cter Rapunzel. adek sya iz nk tgk Hantu Kak Limah. hak hak Malay movies, not in cinema please. Rapunzel, sumpa lawak.
wktu tga tgk movie tu, tiba2 azan zuhur berkumandang dr hp sape nta. weih, amaran, amaran.
1.30pm g carik surau. 15minit kemudian baru jumpa.
lalu solat zuhur.. sujud seorang hamba kpd Pencipta..
2.15 g jalan2 lagi.. g bookstore segala.
4.05pm gerak balik.. naik bot, eh eh dia bergerak la. haha jakun.
kamera un habis bateri. tym nk amik gmba ngn sya iz lak tu.
hish kamera ni saje je jeles ngan kteorg kan.
kt KTM Serdang, bpisah dgn ety. tke care dear..
ana, syema, sya iz and her lil bro naik komuter ke destinasi masing2..
smpai stesen kajang, ana salam2 ngan dorg.. thank you for the moment, korg.. luv u :)

23 December (+.=)"

tmpat kami mengushar keluarga bahagia

kontrol macho lak tu, taktahann.
sya iz, kirim salam kt dy.. hehe :P

thank You Allah for the moments.. :)
~ a big butterfly -_-"
can anyone tell me how is diarrhoea related to nervousness?
it has been 11dayss! i cant bare it anymore.
ummi said it will end up tomorrow; 23dec.
but i prefer it turns into hyperactive instead of melancholia.
let's hope and pray so. under His will..
till then, wassalam..
it has been 11dayss! i cant bare it anymore.
ummi said it will end up tomorrow; 23dec.
but i prefer it turns into hyperactive instead of melancholia.
let's hope and pray so. under His will..
till then, wassalam..
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