Friday, April 29, 2011

the other side of me


Wednesday, 27 April 2011, 9.17 p.m.

Banyaknya homework.. Ya Allah, tensionnya..
Buat la, padan muka kau, tangguh lagi.
Sakit, pedih. Tak leh bengkok ni, pedih gesel dgn kertas.
Aku tahu sakit, tapi kau tak boleh manjakan diri kau sendiri. Kau tunggu apa? Sembuh? Mana ada penawar lagi. Jangan mengada-ngada lah, menyampah aku. Orang lain sakit jugak boleh je buat kerja. Homework tu sikit-sikit siap jugak. Lepas siap kau boleh hidup bahagia mcm org lain. Buatlah. Jangan pedulikan sakit tu. Ia akan hilang sendiri ditelan semangat kau nak belajar. Nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih.
Em, tak boleh manjakan diri kan..

kau Cahaya Perjuangan, berhentilah memberi alasan
Walau hanya ingin menyatakan kebenaran.
Thursday, April 28,
Alhamdulillah, karangan semua siap, KOMSAS pun.
Friday, April 29,
Alhamdulillah, report BIO complete suda :D

Tinggal nota SEJ, BIO and CHEMIST + AddMaths
Buat sikit-sikit.. thanks Allah for the other side of me :)
wassalam, Musirrah

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mahrajan Kawad Kaki dan Hari Keusahawanan MAHISS 2011


Alhamdulillah, akhirnya habis jugak kawad ni.. Tak apalah even kalah pun, ada hikmah yg tersimpan. Yang penting ukhuwwah yang terjalin sesama kita kan. Erm, hari ni ana belajar macam-macam. Paling obvious pasal friendship and courtesy. Kawan dan sahabat ni macam-macam jenis ada kan.
OK jom gambar :)

Memperkenalkan, ketua plantun terbaik, Husna Athifah

Bomba puteri

pandu puteri

polis puteri

puteri islam

polis putera

KRS putera

Selamat Datang ke BADAR Bakeri

mata duitan HAHA

Adik usrah, Nabila :)

Jehaada, Nina, Wani

Ini dia usahawan berjaya, Hajar Ghani, Hanan Najwa dan Anis Farhah

wahhh sakit gigi tengok

suka gambar ni :)

karate doe, haha

langit dan bumi Maahad

anak sapo ni

Nurul Square. haha. [nurul aishah + nurul aina]

"skuad, bres... bressssss sdiak!" kata jijul

saya sayang ain natasha

hadiah sebuah perjuangan :)

wassalam, Musirrah.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

sixteen april 2011


Oh actually was too lazy to go, just want to meet dearest Diyana, Afiqah, Sara and Shahida.
Meeting them is just once in blue moon so I really didn't want to miss this.
Erm, woke up a little bit late perhaps, hehe.
Prayed Subuh at 6.15a.m [borang pemantauan solat pelajar tu menakutkan]
I arrived at the school at 7.23 a.m, thought that I was the latest person and had been left by Cg Zuriyani, but suddenly she passed by beside ummi's car. Oh, she just arrived.
Three minutes later Wana came with her smile.
And after minutesminutesminutes later then only Mimi arrived with giggles on her face.
Around zuhur, Cg Zuriyani and Cg Nasriha needed to go back for some causes.
So we can't wait for the present-giving and closing ceremony at 2o'clock.
So I met diyana, afiqah and sara before going back. The saddest thing is, I didn't found Shahida :'( But at least I had meet her this morning before the activity started.
So these are photos taken by profesional photograper, cehhh, haha :P

Sorry i'm late

Surau SK Taman Cuepacs

Cg Wan Nasriha, Cg Zuriyani, Wana, Mimi

group name

tak sempat tgkp gmbr tym dia gelak tu.. but this one is cuteeeee enoughh :D

diyana and afiqah.. kter syg korang sgt2222 :D

dalam van nk balik dah..

okay i just realized that i had a very eyes-catching school HAHAya maahadii.. 'allamtani..

earthquake ?


Friday, April 15, 2011

those days


I still remember the first day I came to Maahad as a form 1 student. The hall which is full of immature kids who were just finished their primary school life. A week of orientation, that's the first phase of our tarbiyyah and da'wah. I still remember the day I entered 1 Osman, the middle class. We played and studied till the last day of school. And I still remember what Faridah said:
"Tahun depan kita 2 Osman sama-sama tau!"

I still remember the first day of 2009. How much I hate the first class. Fate was stated that as time flow, I started to love this class. Too much. My dear Ain Natasha, Syaza Izzati and Syaima'. I still remember the day we had a walk outside the class without 'pas keluar kelas' as the teacher is not in. The day we discussed to create 'seloka 2 Abu Bakar' with the end written 'Iz.Ta.Sya.Ha'
Honestly, I love and miss this class too much. I still remember the words of that teacher during the last day of assembly that made us too happy to have the same classmates next year:
"There will be no streaming for 2010,"

I still remember the day Syaima' text me and told about the class streaming. How I was totally downed to hear the hurting news. I really thought that 3 Ali will be a very (!!!) class but on first day I entered, all I met were just nice classmates. The days walked but I still can't do my best, figuring why should I be threw away from ABK. But dear Izzati Amran held my hand and said:
"Kita berjaya sama-sama nanti,"
I still remember the day we entered the hall for a great battle of Penilaian Menengah Rendah. And also two months later, on 23rd December. The result-announcement day.
The last day I stepped Maahad as a form 3 student.

Those were the days, I learnt about tarbiyyah, friendship and love. Time runs too fast. Even till now I am still trying to accept that I am a form 4 student, and next year will be the last year of my secondary school life...


Saturday, April 2, 2011



It is April, 2011. I've got my Formative 1's result yesterday. A bit disappointing. Perhaps people think a first class student shouldn't get that kind of bad result. But I feel so grateful, at least I didn't get any 'red-rose' on my result list. Perhaps people look at me as they are watching a failure. Yeah, I failed to master those simple subjects; Additional Mathematics and Modern Maths. All those numbersssss. But in my point of view, this result is a success. A postponed success :)

Mukmin itu jiwanya damai, tak mudah tergoncang dek ujian.
Baginya, ujian itu adalah tarbiyah, tanda kasih sayangNya jua penghapus dosa.
Sahabatku pernah berkata: Bersabarlah, bukan usahamu sia-sia, cuma kejayaan yang lewat tiba...

Satu je prinsip yang buat diri ini tak kecewa dgn result dunia;
Allah tak mentakdirkan sesuatu utk perkara yg sia2. Semua yg ditakdirkan adalah tanda cintaNya :)
The SPM result was announced on last 23rd March. A big congrats for akak-akak and pelajar putera SPM 2010. 28 students got straight As, Kak Azlin and Amirul Ikhwan got straight A+.
Nur Jehaada, failure is the mother of success. TIME TO CHANGE!
Firman Allah: "Aku menurut sangkaan hamba-hambaKu,"

Rimbun Keampunan-Hijjaz
I have been adoring this since a long time ago.
Sukaaa sgt dgr terutamanya after get exam result. Every stanza in too meaningful.
I can't even leave one. But this one tells about that postponed success:

Ku menghimpun kekuatan, ku memohon ketabahan
Meredah gelombang hidup dan dugaan mencabar
Ku anggap kegagalan bukan suatu kekalahan
Tapi suatu kejayaan yang masih tertunda

Recently there's so many test came and approach us.
We need to move from this house, the landlord wants to sell this house.
we have been living here for 7 years. Since I was in standard 4 till I am in form 4.
Ummi said we need to be quick, at least May is the last month. It's a bit depressing to think about this plus my Mid-year Examination will be in May. Also this Eczema which has been limiting my work and even school works.. Ummi took me to GHKL yesterday after school.

malaysian. tak reti bahasa -_-"

Doctor: Sakit apa dik?
Me: Ekzema, Doktor.
Doctor: Alahai teruknya ekzema dia ni. Sejak bila sakit ni?
Me: Waktu umur 12 tahun dulu sikit je. Start tahun lepas mula jadi mcm ni.
Ummi: Hari tu dh bawa pergi Hospital Kajang, they gave the medicine but there's no improvement. Seems like getting worst.
Doctor: Memang macam tu, ekzema memang begitu. Kalau pakai ubat je tp tak jaga pntang larang, dia akan dtg. We can just prevent it, because it has no cure.

Dulu tak serius, masih boleh menulis dgn selesa walaupun pedih sikit.
Tapi sekarang dh worst, kdg2 bleeding.

No cure? :'(
Sakit itu kifarah dosa..
Till then,
Wassalam, Musirrah.

Hidup ini adalah keyakinan dan PERJUANGAN.. dan PERJUANGAN mukmin yg sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali kedua tapak kakinya, TELAH MENGINJAK KE PINTU SYURGA...

-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-