It is April, 2011. I've got my Formative 1's result yesterday. A bit disappointing. Perhaps people think a first class student shouldn't get that kind of bad result. But I feel so grateful, at least I didn't get any 'red-rose' on my result list. Perhaps people look at me as they are watching a failure. Yeah, I failed to master those simple subjects; Additional Mathematics and Modern Maths. All those numbersssss. But in my point of view, this result is a success. A postponed success :)
Mukmin itu jiwanya damai, tak mudah tergoncang dek ujian.
Baginya, ujian itu adalah tarbiyah, tanda kasih sayangNya jua penghapus dosa.
Sahabatku pernah berkata: Bersabarlah, bukan usahamu sia-sia, cuma kejayaan yang lewat tiba...
Baginya, ujian itu adalah tarbiyah, tanda kasih sayangNya jua penghapus dosa.
Sahabatku pernah berkata: Bersabarlah, bukan usahamu sia-sia, cuma kejayaan yang lewat tiba...
Satu je prinsip yang buat diri ini tak kecewa dgn result dunia;
Allah tak mentakdirkan sesuatu utk perkara yg sia2. Semua yg ditakdirkan adalah tanda cintaNya :)
The SPM result was announced on last 23rd March. A big congrats for akak-akak and pelajar putera SPM 2010. 28 students got straight As, Kak Azlin and Amirul Ikhwan got straight A+.
Nur Jehaada, failure is the mother of success. TIME TO CHANGE!
Firman Allah: "Aku menurut sangkaan hamba-hambaKu,"
Rimbun Keampunan-Hijjaz
I have been adoring this since a long time ago.
Sukaaa sgt dgr terutamanya after get exam result. Every stanza in too meaningful.
I can't even leave one. But this one tells about that postponed success:
I have been adoring this since a long time ago.
Sukaaa sgt dgr terutamanya after get exam result. Every stanza in too meaningful.
I can't even leave one. But this one tells about that postponed success:
Ku menghimpun kekuatan, ku memohon ketabahan
Meredah gelombang hidup dan dugaan mencabar
Ku anggap kegagalan bukan suatu kekalahan
Tapi suatu kejayaan yang masih tertunda
Till then,Meredah gelombang hidup dan dugaan mencabar
Ku anggap kegagalan bukan suatu kekalahan
Tapi suatu kejayaan yang masih tertunda
Recently there's so many test came and approach us.
We need to move from this house, the landlord wants to sell this house.
we have been living here for 7 years. Since I was in standard 4 till I am in form 4.
Ummi said we need to be quick, at least May is the last month. It's a bit depressing to think about this plus my Mid-year Examination will be in May. Also this Eczema which has been limiting my work and even school works.. Ummi took me to GHKL yesterday after school.

Doctor: Sakit apa dik?
Me: Ekzema, Doktor.
Doctor: Alahai teruknya ekzema dia ni. Sejak bila sakit ni?
Me: Waktu umur 12 tahun dulu sikit je. Start tahun lepas mula jadi mcm ni.
Ummi: Hari tu dh bawa pergi Hospital Kajang, they gave the medicine but there's no improvement. Seems like getting worst.
Doctor: Memang macam tu, ekzema memang begitu. Kalau pakai ubat je tp tak jaga pntang larang, dia akan dtg. We can just prevent it, because it has no cure.
Dulu tak serius, masih boleh menulis dgn selesa walaupun pedih sikit.
Tapi sekarang dh worst, kdg2 bleeding.
We need to move from this house, the landlord wants to sell this house.
we have been living here for 7 years. Since I was in standard 4 till I am in form 4.
Ummi said we need to be quick, at least May is the last month. It's a bit depressing to think about this plus my Mid-year Examination will be in May. Also this Eczema which has been limiting my work and even school works.. Ummi took me to GHKL yesterday after school.
Doctor: Sakit apa dik?
Me: Ekzema, Doktor.
Doctor: Alahai teruknya ekzema dia ni. Sejak bila sakit ni?
Me: Waktu umur 12 tahun dulu sikit je. Start tahun lepas mula jadi mcm ni.
Ummi: Hari tu dh bawa pergi Hospital Kajang, they gave the medicine but there's no improvement. Seems like getting worst.
Doctor: Memang macam tu, ekzema memang begitu. Kalau pakai ubat je tp tak jaga pntang larang, dia akan dtg. We can just prevent it, because it has no cure.
Tapi sekarang dh worst, kdg2 bleeding.
No cure? :'(
Sakit itu kifarah dosa..
Sakit itu kifarah dosa..
Wassalam, Musirrah.
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