Assalamualaikum. Am still working on the video klip merdeka for my class. Will story about that Pertandingan Kelas Patriotik on later post. Last Friday they went to my house for Raya. Syafiqah, Aieshah, Munirah, Laila, Laily, Amirah, Farisha. We took Sri Indah after Transformasi Kendiri at musolla KL. Arrived at Kajang, we have a walking distance journey to my house. Thanks to them for making my house alive then :)

Yesterday was Saturday and I bet it was an increasing-body-weight day. Woke up back at 8.30 a.m and actually my Biology class started at 8.00. Bathing, ironing and packing, arrived at Bio Lab at 9.45 a.m. Hoho. So I tried to make a ten-cent face and Puan Saidatul gave me a packet of simple-looking bread which like she had given to the others. Thank you teacher. Oh I forgot to bring my camera -_-"
About 11.30 a.m the class finished. Aieshah and me followed Farisha to her house for Raya and finished our Biology presentation powerpoint. Nearly 2.45 p.m, we walked to Cikgu Salina's open house nearby. And that was the first time I ate kari kambing, hehe. Around 3.15 p.m, Farisha's mother sent us to Ayuni's house for her open house. Spaghetti and mini sandwiches were there waiting for us. Alhamdulillah, rezeki..
After finished eating at Ayuni's house, I went back to school, sent by Abang Teh Aieshah. Haha. Refreshed and started to help my Geng Kuda with that stuff. Nearly Maghrib, I went to MN for a transit up to after Isya'. Seriously I miss my friends who stayed at the hostel. Such a long-time-no-chat. I joined their Aktiviti Musolla after Maghrib prayer. The game named Now Impression.
Everyone have to write their own name on a piece of paper. The paper will then be passed around from a person to another people. We then need to write what do we think of the person whose name was written on the paper. Our impression of her in present time. So the game goes on and at last everyone got their own paper back. Everyone started to read what people say about them. I opened mine and almost all the comments are the same, saying that I like to smile and kind and whatsoever. But this one is terribly funny and deserved a non-stop laughing from us:
"Erm.. x bapew knl sgt tapi muke cam koyob,"
Huahahaha. Not him again. Cukup la tu, dah sebulan dia bersara dah pun. So after Isya' I went to the Art's Lab again, working with my Geng Kuda. Went back at 10.30 p.m due to the thunderstorm and heavy rain.
Took bath and slept. What a weird tiring day.
Mari menjadi wanita solehah :)
wassalam, Musirrah.
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