Monday, December 16, 2024


I began to understand why Allah loves continuous good deeds even if they are small. As human beings, our actions are easily influenced by our mood and emotions. We are very vulnerable to our state of mind. And it's not easy to keep doing the thing that we have to do (or even want to do), when we don't feel like it. It's like, very hard. This is where the struggles come, but you do it anyway. You are persistent. 

The Prophet (ﷺ) was asked, "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said, "The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few." -Sahih Bukhari. 

"So again the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do the deeds that you are able to continue with, take things that do not exhaust you. The most beloved of deeds to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala are the small ones even if they are consistent." -Sheikh Omar: Allah Loves Consistency

Perhaps this is also why Allah loves us so much. We worship Him despite our lack of motivation, we continue doing the good deeds and trying to abandon unlawful ways of life despite all the intense desires and struggles we have to face. We worship Him, and not our emotion. Even on the days when we ended up worshipping our emotions, He is always the Most Merciful, and completely being understanding, giving us chances to keep trying and keep showing us the way to do it better. 

Can you, as a teacher, imagine this analogy? You have student A and B. Student A is very privileged and intelligent, born in a good family, has a strong basic on the subject that you are teaching. Meanwhile, student B is born in a less-fortunate family, has learning disabilities, and does not have any basic regarding your subject (maybe this kid is from different stream of school). 

So, these kids completed the same homework for the holiday which you have given them. But who do you think put in more work? Both of them are very well-disciplined, and you always admire Student A for the competency he has. But you will develop a fond feeling towards Student B, observing how much struggles he has to endure, including his own desire to just give up and sleep, as well as his effort to learn from his mistakes.

Let's add manners in the scenario, say Student A oftentimes looks down on Student B. That's already a deduction point. As a teacher, you would not like a persistent kid with boastful manner, instead, your heart will be more fond towards the one who is persistent and humble.  

When our shuyukhul Islam reminded us, “Perhaps a sin that humbles you is better than a good deed that makes you arrogant”, perhaps these are the ways we can make sense of it in our very limited knowledge Allah has blessed us with. 

فَٱسۡتَقِمۡ كَمَآ أُمِرۡتَ

Stand firm. Don't give up to challenges. Keep doing that small good deeds until it feels incomplete when you missed out the chance to do them for a day. And thank Allah for the opportunities that He bestowed upon you. 

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. 

Dengkil, Selangor

Sunday, December 8, 2024

bits of our childhood

As I have been spending time with dad few months back, we had a few conversations, which, growing up, I never thought we'll have. He told brief stories on how his siblings grew up with a strict father, who were rarely present in their life. Same goes to when mom started opening up about those days she got locked up in the house and forbidden to sit for STPM.

I remember bits of my childhood, growing up with my parents. But I just realised I never really know my parents' childhood, their trauma, and all the pain they went through in their lives when they were younger. 

They started their own family at a very young age, separated from their kins, especially mom. We siblings never had the opportunities to see modelling of treatments towards parents, as they never had the chance to care for their own parents. They were learning how to raise kids when they, themselves, were still kids. I never knew the struggles they went through with their parents, and the heartbreak they have endured in trying their best to break this cycle- even it did not seem so perfect, in fact, still chaotic.

"Ummi looks like she's trying to adapt with the responsibility of taking care of a mother, as we start to visit Amacee more frequently this year. I just realised that Abang, Kakak, and I did not grow up seeing you and Ummi taking care of your own parents, and that makes so much sense that we are trying to learn it by ourselves now as adults,". It was two o'clock in the morning in Mak Lang's house. I was lying down on the sofa bed, and dad was sitting on a chair of the dining table nearby. 

"Yeah. We were really poor, and we could not afford to visit and take care of our parents. That did not include the family conflict between Ummi and Amacee, as well as me and your Tokwan." he replied after a pause, and continued;

"My siblings feel the presence of father figure from me as their eldest brother. Our relationship actually became better after your Tokwan passed away. And as a father, I tried my best not to raise my children the way your Tokwan raised us. That's why, even though our family ended up being separated, I am glad, I feel that I have given so much love while raising you and your siblings."

"Compared to what you received when you were a child?" I asked.

"Compared to what I have received as a child,"

His answer left me to think. It's interesting how adulting brings my perspectives in different places in life. I just realised that I messed up so bad too, but I have been continuing their journey of breaking whatever sort of generational curse we had. We are generations who learned from so much mistakes and wrong turns, painful separations, and finally found our way to at least do something better in the future. 

Even all the work we have done and all the efforts did not manifest itself in the best way externally, only God knows the internal scars and battle we have gone through to gradually break this cycle in our own generation.

"I am glad we had this conversation"


Oh Allah, I don't want to pass this down to my future children. I hope in the future, when You wills for me to have a family of my own, there won't be much left to be healed, and we will be blessed with a life full of peace and love, free of pain and sufferings.

Count this as the weight of our good deeds and acts of worship, ya Allah. Forgive me and my parents. Have mercy on them as how they have treated my with mercy when I was a little child. 

Dengkil, Selangor. 

Background music:

Hidup ini adalah keyakinan dan PERJUANGAN.. dan PERJUANGAN mukmin yg sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali kedua tapak kakinya, TELAH MENGINJAK KE PINTU SYURGA...

-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-