Such a long ago event, just have time and mood to post this. Sorryyy Farisha and Aieshah..
Last 30 April I went to Aieshah's house for her sister's wedding kenduri.
Oh, I mean, Farisha and me, hehe. Dalila, Nazifah, Izni, Faridah also came and joined but they went back early. So after akad nikah, we went to Aieshah's house and ate HAHA.
The feast actually started at twelve but at that time we have already finished eating :P
So at twelve Dal, Izni, Nazifah and Fared went back while Farisha and me were up to some walk at Tesco Semenyih, just opposite Aieshah's house. Walking distance, you see.
About 1.30pm we prayed at the surau and walk back to Aieshah's house to see Persandingan.
And 2.30pm, Farisha's parents and my mother came, enjoyed the food for minutes before we went back. Thanks Aieshah for the serve. Love you.
Tak banyak gamba lawa ngn Aieshah la, Aieshah busy gitu.
alhamdulillah sudah sah :)

Lagi di-ghibah2-kan pakai Quran siap. Dasyat gak negara ISLAM ni.

-Mana ag kalau bkn toilet, haha.
Ok gamba banyak sangat mcm wat laporan lawatan kelab pulak heh.
Wassalam, Musirrah.
Wassalam, Musirrah.
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