I never mean to be arrogant or show my own glory or whatever u expect I am.
I know we were once good friends, just like I did befriend with all hes and shes.
I know we were once classmates, had some silly funny arguments in the old class that finally made us close. But brother, that was years ago. Those were my stupid days, went through life with no serious and religious aims other than striving for 5As in UPSR and mumtaz in PSRA. Those were the days I didn't know about the limitation in friendship between boys and girls in Islam, I didn't know that a woman's voice can turn into aurat, I hardly concerned about my aurat especially on wearing handsocks and socks, plus all the short tudungs and t-shirts. I didn't know what is dakwah or tarbiyyah, and even mujahadah. I didn't understand what is actually meant by the true love but I pretend I did. I'm just playing around because of the natural tendency. I really hope u understand, those were the days we went through without maturity.
I'm sorry, never mean to hurt anybody including you. I know we're old friends, but the distance I've been creating is not because of my silly arrogance as what you're expecting. Since I have been schooling at Maahad, I learnt about Islam more. I never say my school is completely pious but i learnt that there are laws that Allah has been requiring us to follow. A girl should take care of her dignity very well and a close friendship between boys and girls are not encouraged. The most important is a boy and a girl should stay far and faraway from scandals, as far as they can...in order to avoid the slander made by people around or 'fitnah hati' manipulated by syaithan. I never said that we have to abolish this friendship but let us change it into a well-religious one. That one will do, brother. May Allah bless us..

Buatmu saudara yang aku hormati,
Sungguh ayat dinginku bukan tanda tak senang hati, jauh sekali ku rasa benci
Tak terlintas langsung di hati untukku menyombong diri,
kerana kusedar diriku hanya melukut yang tak bererti.
Namun setelah apa yang pernahku lalui, aku yakin ini cara untukku menjaga iman dan hati
Biarpun kata orang aku syadid dengan diri sendiri..
Ku harap asbab ini jelas buat soalan yang kau tanya
Mengapa icon smiley ku pada kaum mu sudah lama tidak menyala
Kerana aku takut dan bimbang untuk memunculkan dirinya..
Sungguh ayat dinginku bukan tanda tak senang hati, jauh sekali ku rasa benci
Tak terlintas langsung di hati untukku menyombong diri,
kerana kusedar diriku hanya melukut yang tak bererti.
Namun setelah apa yang pernahku lalui, aku yakin ini cara untukku menjaga iman dan hati
Biarpun kata orang aku syadid dengan diri sendiri..
Ku harap asbab ini jelas buat soalan yang kau tanya
Mengapa icon smiley ku pada kaum mu sudah lama tidak menyala
Kerana aku takut dan bimbang untuk memunculkan dirinya..
ila mardhatillah,
wassalam, Musirrah.
wassalam, Musirrah.
jazakillah khairan khathira, jedda. you've made me realize to really, really, really take care of my dignity well. :)
alhamdulillah.. kite cuma kongsi kerisauan kite terhadap sikap2 kaum adam yg sukar diduga :)
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