Monday, September 16, 2024

Lau Kana Bainana

In the end, everyone loves the same God and Prophet-
No matter how much they hurt each other and fight among themselves
or sinned beyond societal redemption, moving to a wrong direction from the choice point,
still, we all long for the same peaceful life and 'aafiyah, with or without each other in this worldly life.

The Prophet peace be upon him
Even if he's with us in this era, there's no guarantee that we will be following him,
we could be the ones questioning and disputing, God forbids.
Thus, we are exactly where we should be, in this era, at this very moment,
blessed with iman and Islam despite being apart from him more than 1400 years.

We are his dearest ikhwan- brothers and sisters in faith- the ones he's been longing to meet,
who came later in the civilisation of Islam, believing in him without even seeing him once.
Holding on to his teachings as hard as it gets in this modern world.

But if, just if he's here with me, even for a few seconds,
I wish I could cry my heart out and tell him how much I long to rest,
from the evil, the darkness, and the sadness of this dunya.
That I have been trying really hard and I know Allah has never forsaken me.
I get it- why he prays until his feet were swollen just to thank Allah for His bounties,
for Allah is the Most Kind and Merciful towards His servants.

Oh Rasulullah, 
I hope to see you one day as I return to our Lord with this soul
which I have never stopped to purify and redeem after each wrong turn.
You are my teacher and guider in this life- and for that, I am blessed.

Thank you Allah. 


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Hidup ini adalah keyakinan dan PERJUANGAN.. dan PERJUANGAN mukmin yg sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali kedua tapak kakinya, TELAH MENGINJAK KE PINTU SYURGA...

-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-