Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Allah is kind to His servants

These seven days at new workplace, you did great.

Really, you were so cool. 

You should see yourself in the morning,
trying new fashion styles to look more approachable at school.
Experimenting with discomfort, finding the best way to cover your aurah.
You spent time to attend your mom through her struggles,
made efforts to fix your prayer routine despite the uneasy feeling of guilt,
and practiced thanking Him for every little blessings.

I adore you.

I adore the way you drove to school while putting your favourite nasyeeds on play,
enjoying great and respectful conversations with your sister.
The way you always made it on time and constantly put effort to reach work earlier.

I adore the way you waved at the guard and smiled as you reached the school gate, 
greeted the cleaning staffs and made their day with your kind words.
You took your time slowly as you walked upstairs despite the anxiety rush.
I like the way you giggled as you made silly mistakes, asking dumb questions, 
and not feeling ashamed anymore the next second.
You sat in the discomfort, and went on with your life. 

You carefully planned your day ahead.
Your work was done in the allocated time and you overcame the overwhelming feelings from all the emails and notifications,
employee's update forms from the HR, safeguarding courses reminder from Jasmine,
as Brenda's and Irman's emails coming in about teaching and learning. 
You read them all, calmly, and you did what was assigned, accordingly. 

I adore the way you carry yourself around your new colleagues,
the way you cracked a simple joke and read the room very carefully.
You looked so cool when you spoke to the expats,
yet so humble and approachable when you talked to fellow locals.
Shini said you seem so bubbly and charismatic and the kids are going to like you,
Bella told you she's proud of you for being able to carry this subject,
and Raj was amazed by your thoughts during the PlussVibe session last Monday regarding mental health.

I adore the way you casually sit with Eline while waiting for Brenda,
you suddenly had a nice conversation as a new comer with someone important from the main office.
You were so confident when you proposed your idea to Irman,
checking his availability to make sure he allocated time for you,
carefully explained your confusion and needs, 
professionally dropped an email to ensure written proof is documented. 

You. were. so. cool. 

The curriculum? They were amazing. No one has ever done that before, you do realise that? 
Very well written, clear and organised, fresh idea. 

I adore us so much, so much that I want to pray out of gratefulness all the time. 
Allah has blessed us. Allah has blessed us. Always. All these time. 

He gives us a very nice office and officemates, who are sweet and nice. I'm comfortable with them during conversation and even in silence. The office is next to library, surau, toilet, the classrooms. Staff lounge is amazing, we even fell asleep there twice. 

 ٱللَّهُ لَطِيفٌۢ بِعِبَادِهِۦ يَرْزُقُ مَن يَشَآءُ ۖ وَهُوَ ٱلْقَوِىُّ ٱلْعَزِيزُ
"Allah is kind to His servants. He gives sustenance to whom He pleases, 
and He is the All-Powerful, the All-Mighty."
[Ash-Shūrā, 42:19] 

I just recently realised how I never journal when I'm feeling happy and great, or when I accomplished something. Perhaps this is the time to practice something new, as we get good at what we practice :)

The students are going to return to school tomorrow. I am so excited but so nervous. But I know we're going to make a lot of mistakes and learn a lot of lessons from them. 

Thank you Allah for the endless blessings in this career. 


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Hidup ini adalah keyakinan dan PERJUANGAN.. dan PERJUANGAN mukmin yg sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali kedua tapak kakinya, TELAH MENGINJAK KE PINTU SYURGA...

-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-