Tuesday, May 14, 2013



My black. Honestly, is not for opposition. Neither for the blackout.
It’s for the rights that’ve been stolen. For the corruptions. For the sins permitted; bad side of film industry, casinos, clubs, conserts. For the identity cards given easily just like that.
They’re selling this country, feeding their wallets to obese. They made this country pitch black.
I forgot. People don’t understand. I made us apart, join the crowds, making fraud.
I forgot this is not the way and it’s not used to be my way.

Don’t you think GE13 is not the problem ? It’s democracy. It’s crazy.

I saw fights. ­Peers among them, mum and child, teacher and students, preachers and communities, generations and generations.
I saw them fight for a fully islamic country. But most of them curse, talk behind, burst out harsh words, sarcasm. They talk rudely, damn rude like seriously.

"Berlaku adillah meskipun kepada insan yang paling kita benci. Ia lebih dekat kepada taqwa. 
Kita daie, bukan penghukum, " -Fatimah Syarha

Maybe we can stop being judges and start our so-called daawah all over again, just maybe.
Nabi Muhammad pbuh will not put his smile seeing we are still bubbles.
Yeah a bubble that collides harshly with another bubble and poppp! they explode. they dissapeared. 

Oh Allah please bring us back the Khilafah. Amiin..
Wassalam, Musirrah.


syaiz said...

Dulu aku pernah berazam x nak tau langsung pasal politik kot. Tapi tahun niyh terbukak minda sikit hahah.

Bukan Bidadari said...

haha kau sme mcm aieshah. well we're grown ups :')

Hidup ini adalah keyakinan dan PERJUANGAN.. dan PERJUANGAN mukmin yg sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali kedua tapak kakinya, TELAH MENGINJAK KE PINTU SYURGA...

-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-