Saturday, April 3, 2010

Extremely late!


It was all started on Monday.
No, I came quite early on Monday. [early la sgt]
Acct the perhimpunan has just started.
But it was enough early for a Nur Jehaada.

Yes, Tuesday. What a memorable day.
I woke up at 6 as usual, and ironed my uniform after arranged the books.
At 6.50, I was in front of the mirror, wearing my tudung.
Suddenly I heard the siren of the car [org panggil 'siren' ke?]
And I heard my mum and dad were talking to each other.
Like discussing something important, maybe.
So I walked downstairs and fetch my school bag, while my mum slowly came to me.

"The car has run out of battery," she said.

Oh no.. The time was 6.55am.
I'm going to die. No, I'm already dead.
Oh Proton Wira.. why are you doing this to me?

My mum asked me to stay at home, no need to go to school that day.
But never for me. I don't like to miss even one day of schooling without a solid reason.
[even though the car's problem is already a solid reason]
Furthermore, I have to show Cg Ezana the materials for Kerja Kursus Sejarah today.

So I went to my father who was standing outside the house.

"Dad, may you asked any of your friend to send me? I don't mind of being late,"

My dad stayed silent before gave me a reply.

"I will try to ask Pak Cik Halim. He was acct in outstation, but who knows he has come back,"

Pak Cik Halim was also the one who sent me to school for a week last year, again because of that Wira's damaged.
I went to my mum and talked to her before my dad came and said that Pak Cik Halim is going to arrive 10minutes later.
I looked at the clock. It was 7.13am. And suddenly I laugh by myself without any reason.
10minutes was such a long period. I went to the kitchen, took a small paper bag and filled in it with some crackers. Ha.ha. Very relax.

Pak Cik Halim arrived at 7.2osumthing.
I rode the car with my father. Three of Pak Cik Halim's children were inside also.
I was informed that he was going to send his children to ABIM first.
I just don't mind because it was already 7.25, so my name will also be taken by the KP on duty even if he send me first.

Inside the car, my father and Pak Cik Halim chattered about politics issues.
I played with the kids as they have known me.
And that time, nothing went inside my mind except for one thought;
What a heaven if I have little sisters and brothers at home...

Sungai Ramal was veryveryveryveryvery jam.
After the kids reached ABIM, I just realized that it was already 7.40am.
Whoa... I'm going to reached Maahad at 7.45 maybe.

But it was not like what I thought.
The jam continued and I swear to myself, I will take back my suggestion to my mum on moving to Sg Ramal. Oh I will never live in this place.
Kajang is the best, at least the roads are wide!

At 8 o'clock that morning, finally I reached the school.
After thanked Pak Cik Halim, I walked as usual inside.
The 'jaga' greet me; "Hei... awal nampak?"
Huh. It's him again -_-"

What a day. I reached school at 8.00! I was late. Extremely late.
Everyone has gone to class, even the KP also.
So I walked to 3ali, can't stop smiling.

On Wednesday, I was late again because of the same reason.
But today, I reached school at 7.20.
That akak KP asked me why I was late, so I told the real thing.

On Thursday, once again I was late. And this is not because of the car.
Woke up late? No, I woke up at 5 today. It's just something happened.

The same akak KP was on duty that day.
And she asked me sarcastically;
"Kenapa lambat hari ni? Bateri habis?"

What the.. Does she think I love it to be late?
I never mind of being 'merit' for many times, just don't like she said like that.

these un effective rules and KPs..
erm. .they're just wearing a different colour of uniform,
White is the best, ever.
Still, friend is friend, KP is KP.

Sorry. I will try my best to come earlier next time, insyaAllah...

till then, pen off
wassalam :)

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-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-