Saturday, September 4, 2010

fine. we'll see.


it was just.. the worst eva
only five people managed to get 9a's from 188 students overall
i bet this was the worst pmr trial result in maahad's history. seriously i never understand this school
they bet for 121 students to get 9a's for pmr 2010. perghh. fine.
we can do better than what they expect. we'll beat that batch of teachers' pets.
188 students are going to get 9a's this year.

do u know what. 95 is better than 93.
2010 is better than 2008.

we'll see.

1 comment:

ulfa said...


Hidup ini adalah keyakinan dan PERJUANGAN.. dan PERJUANGAN mukmin yg sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali kedua tapak kakinya, TELAH MENGINJAK KE PINTU SYURGA...

-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal-